Wehr mini-reunion at Torch Lake

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In June, we piled into two cars to caravan from Colorado to Torch Lake in Michigan for nearly three weeks. Bev and I don't have quite the stamina to drive fifteen or sixteen hours a day so we made two stops along the way. The first stop was in Des Moines, Iowa and the second near Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The first thing to do when arriving at the lake is go go down and touch the water. That's even before unpacking anything or going to the bathroom. Touch the water.
When a few more arrived, one of the first things we did was to take our "oldest to the youngest" and our "tallest to the shortest" pictures. We would try to marshall up some more later.

Touchng Torch Lake Touch Torch Old to Young Oldest to Youngest Tall to short Tallest to Shortest

Within a 100 yard radius of the cabins, there was quite enough to keep a group of fifteen busy and entertained for three weeks, but there were places surrounding the Comfort Cabins that Don and I wanted to share with those who had not spent years on The Lake. There is so much to see and do that we were busy every minute.
Our friends and hosts were exceptionally gracious about sharing their time and intimate knowledge and provided a number of excursions for our growing group. The second day we were there, and mostly unpacked, Tom and Peg took us to the Grass River Natural Area, a wetlands area they have been working to preserve where we walked through woods, marshes and encountered a huge Hexagenia mayfly.
The next day, Tom took us on a boat ride up the Clam River, Clam Lake and on up into Lake Bellaire. The kids got a thrill of steering the boat.

Grass River Boardwalk Hexagenia Hexagenia mayfly Steering the boat. At the helm

One place that Candy had been and wanted to go was Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes National Park. When she was young, one summer we went up the hill climb and walked the distance over the dunes to Lake Michigan. At the Dune Climb, the distance of the first rise is about 120 feet. Over that rise, it goes up further. From Lake Michigan on the west of the dunes, it rises up perhaps 350 feet—equivalent to a 35 story building! For each step up in the soft sand, you slide back half that distance. You begin to understand the warning sign.

Dune Climb The Dune Climb Dune Top Top of the Dunes LMich Side Lake Michigan side

On the way back, we stopped to see old friends Paul and Janine. The next day was warmer and it was time to spend time on the water. The kids had a wonderful time on a foam raft they call a lilly pad. We often gathered together for an evening meal at the picnic tables with one or the other families selecting and presenting the fare. No one went hungry.

Waling_Wehr Walings & Wehrs Lillypad On the Lillypad Family Meal Family evening meal

Across the road from Comfort Cabins is a bald eagle nest that's been there for a while. Once again this year the pair has had a chick that was near fledging. Tom set up a telescope so that we could keep an eye on them. Radek and Natalie take advantage of the opportunity. Still, plenty of time to spend on the water. Hany took the kids out on their paddleboard. The kids look a little uncertain but these boards are very stable.

Eagle nest Parent and chick Eagle Watch Watching the birds Paddleboard Hany paddles the board

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